The pictures were taken during three consecutive days while I could witness a thermal inversion. At sea level, where these pictures were taken, it was only 4,5 °C and 17°C at a hight of about 250 meters above sea level, place where we stayed. These low temperatures combined with the air humidity resulted in a nice low fog.

I'm actually amazed by the quality of the 48 Mpx images the little drone produces. Didn’t expect this amount of sharpness in my pictures since as a landscape hobby photographer I’m using a 60 Mpx Sony A7r4.
The only thing you don’t have to expect is a wide dynamic range (DR). But if you know this you can take your shots in a way to avoid this problem or try to make HDR images. So I approached these situations which needed more DR by taking two shots with different exposure times. So I exposed one according to what the Drone proposed me and one image with 1 to 2 stops faster exposer times. Combined them to an HDR image in Lightroom. For some, especially panorama’s, it was a little more challenging to achieve it but I think it worked out quit well.

Under this image you can find 100% detail of parts of the image from above